Terra Mia S.C.S
Terra Mia S.C.S. Promotes social regeneration and environmental solidarity to ensure conditions of well-being for each person and for the territory.
The Terra Mia social cooperative society has been operating as a non-profit since 1987 in Turin and in the Municipalities of the province and since 2019 it has been structured as a social enterprise in transformation to become a positive organization ( org +).Mission
Terra Mia promotes the health and well-being of the people it takes care of, its employees and all the stakeholders who support it through a continuous process of internal evolution. The statute establishes the values of mutuality, social solidarity, respect for the person, internal and external democracy as the foundation of every activity.Activities
Terra Mia designs, structures and manages home, outpatient, semi-residential, residential services and health promotion interventions in the area.How we work
- The cooperative intervenes with systemic methodology to welcome the people it takes care of in a responsive way and to intervene with a network working model on the territory in collaboration with public and private bodies to guarantee integration.
- Terra Mia has differentiated its services over the years, achieving the best quality of social impact, promoting development and innovation to respond in a dynamic and evolutionary way to new social questions and measuring oneself against the various forms of difficulty and marginalization.
- The multi-professional teams that work in the twelve services located throughout the area accompany people towards solutions of personal, work and social autonomy.
Who we work with
The main clients of the cooperative are Asl, SerD, Npi, Juvenile Court, Piedmont Region, City of Turin, Municipalities and consortia, educational institutions and among the main partners there are accredited public and private bodies, social cooperatives A and B, consortia of cooperatives, associations, National Cnca, profit organizations, Employment centers, Banca Etica, Banca Popolare di Novara, Unicredit Group, schools of various types and levels, Uepe (External Criminal Execution Office), religious organizations, Ufficio Pio – Fondazione San Paolo, M. Operti Foundation, Caritas Turin, Confcooperative-Federsolidarietà.Address: Via Nizza, 239, Turin, Metropolitan City of Turin, Italy
Locale/Designation: Torino, Italy
Phone: 011646072
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