Map of Social Enterprises



Whable is a system that geolocates wheelchair-accessible facilities.

Whable was born in 2020 in Cagliari with the aim of offering a product for people with motor disabilities.
The proposed business idea stems from a need perceived by the founder of Whable Marco Altea. In fact, whenever you decided to go for a pizza with friends, you never knew for sure which restaurants were accessible.


We have often ascertained that a simple call to receive information was not enough as often the information provided by the restaurateurs almost never corresponded to the real accessibility of the structure.


From here we learned that only after a real personal visit to the structure would it be possible to ascertain the degree of real accessibility of the structure. Hence the idea of creating a geolocalized database of accessible facilities visited by disabled people because only a disabled person can better understand the needs of another person with a disability.


Whable aims to satisfy the social needs of people with motor disabilities who often lose interest in going out and visiting accommodation or restaurants. Whable therefore proposes to create a rich database of accessible facilities, initially in the city of Cagliari, while at the same time creating a large community that guarantees a real interest in our business.

Address: Via Lanusei, 29, Cagliari, Metropolitan City of Cagliari, Italy

Locale/Designation: Cagliari, Italy


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