Bikeschool, rentals & events
2be. is a social enterprises founded in 2020, as an extension of the smartatletic project (developed by Vlad Stoica and Bogdan Antohe, since 2004) in the social economy dimension.***
After 15+ years in which we have organized more than 200 large-scale sports and educational events & projects, both for amateurs and professionals, we decided to set up an educational-sports centre in Campina.***
The main purpose of this centre is to serve the general interest of encouraging the use of alternative, non-polluting means of transport, as well as to educate the population towards a healthy and active lifestyle (social, economic, civic, sport). On frequency 2be. we provide integrated services of initiation, specialization and training in the field of education, recreation, sport: cycling courses, bike rental & bike transport equipment, event organization.10% of bikeschool & bikerentals sales are directed to the development of social & sport projects of the Tandem Association. In short: to support visually impaired people to do sport.
Address: Câmpina, Romania
Locale/Designation: Câmpina, Romania
Phone: 0786 579 452
Email: Click to Send Email