Map of Social Enterprises



We support businesses and local administrations in Romania to create a more inclusive environment for individuals with disabilities,


  • Accessibility and Audit Services
  • Space Accessibility Products
  • Prints
  • Braille Graphics & Printing
  • Braille Signaling and Maps
  • Software Products
ACCESS FOR YOUR CUSTOMERS Expectant mothers, elderly individuals, parents with young children in strollers – they are all your customers and would appreciate knowing that you take care to ensure they have easy access to your services and products. We can help you create a friendly and accessible space for everyone. ACCESS TO NEW CLIENTS Expand your reach to a new segment of customers, specifically individuals with disabilities. If you haven’t reached out to them before, it’s possible that you didn’t know how to. Let us assist you in growing your business with user-friendly online and offline content tailored to their needs and yours.

Address: Bucharest, Romania

Locale/Designation: Bucharest, Romania


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