Map of Social Enterprises

Kloosiv Housing

Kloosiv Housing

We work to transform access to housing with inclusive technology, where people are attended with care, and decisions are data-driven to improve their personal situation.

We humanize access to housing
With a collaborative web platform for social inclusion in housing that combines social intervention tools, resource management and cooperative work, where the care of people is the center.

Technological Base

We go beyond the digitization of existing processes. We use technology as a foundation to create models, systems and processes that were not possible before.

Social economy

We believe in creating economies that serve society, not the other way around. Aligning the objectives of companies with those of society is not only possible, it is necessary

Social innovation

We use innovation to reimagine the future, with society as the starting point and engine of change.


The well-being of people moves us. A stable home is the basis for developing a full life. That is why our social intervention uses the home as a starting point.


An unsustainable model is not a good model. Sustainability consists of 4 pillars, which must complement each other: human, economic, social and environmental sustainability.

Address: Plaça Gran, n.23, 17500 Ripoll, Spain

Locale/Designation: Ripoll, Spain


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