Map of Social Enterprises

Rey Ardid S.L.

Rey Ardid S.L.

Products and services for the companies that need to comply with alternative measures to the General Disability Law

Close to us there are people who need help to become part of society. We were born to accompany these most vulnerable people, help them along the way and integrate them into a richer and more diverse society. At the Rey Ardid Foundation we provide special care for people affected by mental illness, the elderly with Alzheimer’s or other dementias, and various groups living on the verge of social exclusion. And as we grow every year, we expand our services and environments to reach other groups in need of care, training and employment, such as families at risk of exclusion and with scarce resources, and care for elderly people living alone.


We believe in each person’s ability to develop to their full potential and contribute value to society.


Our mission is to foster their abilities to achieve the challenge of having a useful, dignified and happy life.

The social enterprises of the Rey Ardid Foundation

In order to help all these people to integrate into society through employment adapted to their abilities, the creation of insertion companies and special employment centers has been essential.


Through these social enterprises, we can help many people in vulnerable situations and at the same time cover the subcontracting needs of companies in services such as cleaning, laundry, gardening, industrial handling, agency services, call centers, etc. etc


This business services area has experienced exponential growth in recent years, which translates into both the trust that many Aragonese companies have placed in the Rey Ardid Foundation and the more than 700 workers that we currently have with us in our social enterprises.


30 years later, Fundación Rey Ardid has evolved as has the rest of society, expanding its way of providing value until becoming, together with its Social Enterprises, the Rey Ardid Social Group.


Today, we manage to serve around 15,000 people thanks to the work of more than 2,250 qualified professionals and more than 132 volunteers who put their time, vision and enthusiasm to help the most vulnerable people in society to enjoy their lives.  

Address: C/ Guillén de Castro 2-4, 50.018, Zaragoza, Spain

Locale/Designation: Zaragoza, Spain


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