Map of Social Enterprises

Actíva Foundation

Actíva Foundation

Our mission is to contribute to a more open and inclusive labor market that gives the opportunity for every person to be included and support the self.

Since 1989, we have created opportunities for people with disabilities to find a way forward. To develop at your own pace and based on your own conditions. With high competence, long experience and solid knowledge, we guide and support people to get a job.


Thanks to our background in the field, we look after the individual’s needs and future. We let the journey be shared and take as much time as needed. The person is at the center. The goal of our work is to let the job seeker and the employer feel secure and see the opportunities and advantages of employment.


Actíva is an enterprising and responsible player that creates opportunities for municipalities and companies to participate actively in a society that enriches diversity.


Learn more about Activa trainings.

Address: Landbotorpsallén 25a, Örebro, Sweden

Locale/Designation: Örebro, Sweden

Phone: 019-20 96 00


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